Geiranger - Maps, weather, webcams & more

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Webcam in Geiranger fjord Norway. Sightseeing and activities. #3fjords3hours



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Geiranger maps

Find here maps of Norway and a town map of Geiranger, that shows the center with the harbor and all the shops and places to go. See as well the maps with our boat and bus excursions to get an overview. You find more detailed information in the description of each tour on this website. Boat and bus...

Hiking map

Hiking map

All hikes in and around Geiranger as a PDF. The hiking map can be purchased in the tourist information office in the center of Geiranger.

Cruise ship list

Cruise ship list

Geiranger is a popular cruiseship destination. During the summer season between May and September one or more ships are coming in almost every day. Click on the link below to view the cruise ship list 2018, with dates, times and number of passengers on the ships.

Hurtigruten arrivals

Hurtigruten arrivals

The Hurtigruten ships normally arrive in Geiranger around 2.30 p.m. and leave at approximately 3.15 p.m. every day from June to August. The meeting point for travelling by Hurtigruten from Geiranger is pier 2 at the harbor at 2.30 p.m., where you board M/S Geirangerfjord for transportation to Hurtig...



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